[Case Study] Adult Nutra on Push.House Like a Pro
This case study is the second article in a two-part series for Push.House.
Related Content: Push House Review
Read on to discover how to dominate the Push market and how to optimize your ads for maximum profit.
If you haven’t yet read the first article in the series, which includes a detailed review of the network, you can do that here: Push House Review.
Campaign #1 – Single Offer
Offer Type: Adult Nutra
Targeting Region: TH
CPC: $0.002
Ad Format: Push
OS: Mobile
Are you ready to dominate the push market?
If yes, then follow along with this case study as we go through the basics of setting up and optimizing a campaign in Push.House.
If you are new to Push.House and don’t yet know what it is, check our review here.
Push notification ads are a cheap and high-converting ad format, that’s easy to set up and will funnel green bills straight into your pocket – if you use them the right way.
So let’s look at the right way to use Push ads to give you the best returns!
Just to give you some background, check out these statistics for the following campaign:
Campaign Period: March 7th to April 3rd, 2021
Overall Impressions: 325 925 047
Overall Clicks: 456 295
Overall Sales: 71
CTR: 0.14%
Total Spend: $912.59
Total Revenue Earned: $2059
Total Profit Generated: $1,146.41
Return on Investment (ROI): 125.62%
We got these numbers in a very short time, with minimum effort.
For this campaign, the chosen country was Thailand, as it’s a GEO with tons of traffic and high payouts that we all love so much.
As for the creatives, we kept it simple and didn’t overthink it too much.
Then, we chose a suitable offer, that we know converts like crazy for our target audience.
Note: Ask your AM at the affiliate or ad network for creative suggestions in case you don’t have any.
1. Optimization
If you haven’t done so already, now’s a good time to read our review of Push.House in order to understand all the optimization steps.
If you wanna give that a quick read and then come back here, you’ll have a better grasp of what we’re doing.
The whole process of optimization wasn’t particularly difficult. I launched the campaign with the minimum allowed CPC for this GEO, which is just $0.002. We never changed the starting bid as we were satisfied with the quality of traffic.
2. Scheduling
The first important thing we did was to stop the campaign when the call center is unavailable. This differs from one offer to another and from one call center to another, but for this specific offer, it just seemed like the best idea.
To do this, click on “Edit Campaign” and scroll down until you see the “Campaign Schedule” section:
You might wonder why I chose this scheduling pattern. Allow me to explain.
Note that under the timetable it says “Show time by UTC +2”. This means that the scheduling in Push.House schedules according to the UTC +2 time zone. With a bit of Googling you can find out that it’s a very different timezone from the one used in Thailand, which is GMT+7. This is a 5 hour time difference, and you need to keep that in mind or else this could cost you some unexpected expenses.
CPC and Experiments with Traffic Segments
In Push.House, the traffic is segmented by subscription age, meaning that you can select what segment of traffic you want to target.
Here’s how that works in Push.House:
0-3 days: This is the most expensive segment. Here you can find the freshest subscribers, who have not abused by an ungodly amount of ads. This gives this group a higher chance of converting. The minimum CPC for this segment is 250% of the normal price for your GEO. In our case, the normal minimal CPC for Thailand is $0.002, so $0.005 if you wanna target the freshest users.
4-7 days: This segment is a bit older but is still converts well. The minimum CPC value here is double – or 200% – of the original.
8-14 days: This section has subscribers who are over a week old – which is still considerably newer than most competitors’ databases. The minimum CPC value here is 175% of the original.
15-30 days: This is the final segment by subscription age. Some of the subscribers here may have been here for as long as a month. The CPC value is 150% of the original.
All: This segment is considered to be the default and cheapest option. Don’t be fooled! The traffic quality here is not at all bad and can convert extremely well for the right offers. The proof is the huge ROI we got from our campaign!
One of the biggest challenges for affiliates is creating a blacklist of sites while their campaign is still running.
You’ll find that many sites will still give you conversions that covered your expenses. Because of this, we had to wait for more than a week before blacklisting the low-performing sites.
This is very easy to do with Push.House. At the very bottom of the “Edit Campaign” page in the “Audience” section, you will find two columns that work together to create a blacklist.
Set the Type ID to Blacklist as it’s shown in the screenshot above.
Now you can put all low-performing platforms into the Site ID list next to it, comma-separated.
This is all it took for us to make $1k+ profit, in a little less than a month!
So make sure you give Push.House a try to get that insane ROI on your own campaigns.
Campaign #2 – Smartlink
Offer Type: Adult Dating Smartlink
Targeting Region: RU
CPC: 0.018/0.009
Ad Format: Classic Push
OS: Mobile and Desktop
We tried Push.House with Nutra, and now we wanted to see how good it will be with dating offers.
The dating vertical is well known for having high conversion rates. This is because most of the time it requires very little input from the user. A first page sign-up could get you instant commission if the offer is SOI (Single Opt-In).
If you don’t know what Single Opt-In is, check the affiliate marketing glossary.
What more could you ask for?
So let’s see if we can entice all the Russian singles to meet their significant others!
Campaign Period: March 21st to March 28th, 2021
Overall Impressions: 18 340 740
Overall Clicks: 14 856
Overall Sales: 904
CTR: $0.08%
Total Spend: $267.4
Total Revenue Earned: $723.2
Total Profit Generated: $455.80
Return on Investment (ROI): 170.46%
For adult dating, the best practice is to target men. That’s why the creative we chose resembles a chat head from a beautiful female.
Each GEO has its preferences when it comes to types of women. Just Google what type of porn each country watches most to get an idea of this.
Some GEOs like women in their 30s, some prefer them younger.
Some go for tanned girls, others for snow whites. Do your research so you can best target your GEO.
Another method is to use images of girls that match the type of girls in the GEO you wanna target.
These are common practices for affiliates who run dating offers.
However, for this campaign, we did something a bit different.
We used a picture within a dirty context and a huge call-to-action text in the middle.
Targeting Different Devices
We discovered something very interesting during our work with this dating offer.
Each campaign in Push.House has only one ad. This means that you can not have more than one ad in the same campaign. So, if you wanna launch the same ad with different targeting, and a slightly different creative, you have to duplicate your campaign and make changes to the duplicated campaign.
We wanted to launch the same ad for both mobile and desktop devices, but we wanted to slightly change the creative because the push notification displays differently on mobile and desktop.
When both campaigns were created we noticed that the CPC of the desktop traffic was 50% cheaper than the CPC of the mobile traffic!
This turned out to be a little gem, as it significantly helped spread the budget.
Add to this that the payout for desktop users is usually higher for dating offers because they don’t usually sign up as much as mobile users.
We believe that the Push.House Team kept this in mind, so they made the costs lower in order for their advertisers to be able to profit even more!
Remember though, if you target ALL devices in your campaign you will be billed for the higher CPC, which will be mobile if you target both devices at once. To avoid this always separate the devices to pay less!
CPC and bidding
For this campaign, we didn’t change the initial bid, as it was quite high already. We also chose not to target any specific traffic segments. We ran the campaign for a week – which is more than enough time for one creative in push traffic.
If you see a setback in your CR (Conversion Rate) after some time, make sure you change the creative, as they get spent over time, and people do not click on them anymore.
Keep your creatives fresh and you will always get those sweet conversions!
Optimization and Blacklists
With Dating offers, it’s a lot easier to create a blacklist, as you can see which platforms perform poorly very quickly.
Lose the low-performing sites fast, as the payout for these is quite small.
We were able to create a pretty decent blacklist after just a couple of days, and managed to get a good ROI by the end of the first day!
That’s it!