AFFILIATES: How To Overcome Your FEAR of Selling
You’ve got the products. You’ve got the audience. Now…if only you could get past that last hurdle that keeps rearing its ugly head…overcoming your fear of selling!
The fear of rejection and unhappy subscribers can paralyze you…WHEN you don’t know how to get past it.
And that’s exactly what this post will help you do!
People from all over the world and all sorts of markets are succeeding with affiliate marketing. They have different list sizes. They are young and old. Male and female. Experienced veterans. And those new to the online business world.
They’re ALL serving their tribes and earning additional income with affiliate marketing.
How do I know?
Well, I’ve worked with some of the top names and brands in online business.
People like Tony Robbins & Dean Graziosi, Michael Hyatt, Brian Tracy, Stu McLaren, Lewis Howes, Claire Diaz-Ortiz, Jeff Goins, Shark Tank’s Kevin Harrington, Shutterfly, Rick Schrefren, Ryan Levesque, and more.
And, I’ve also consulted with other businesses and individuals, big and small, start-ups and veterans, teams of hundreds, and solopreneurs who weren’t top names.
What do they all have in common?
They have overcome their fear of selling or never had it in the first place…
When you finish reading this post, you will have a clear understanding that overcoming YOUR fear of selling and asking people for more…requires the right mindset.
You can count on me being right by your side…
My GREATEST passion is helping ordinary people achieve extraordinary results with their online businesses.
And, it all starts with learning to overcome your fear of asking clients, customers, and affiliates for money.
Many people (and you may be one of them) feel that asking people on their list for more will somehow displease them…that their prospects and clients will regard them in a negative light…
After all, they worked hard to get them on board, the LAST thing they want to do is have them thinking you’re ungrateful.
Contrary to what you may have heard, guess what…
Customers and affiliates EXPECT us to ask for more!
Think about what got them involved with you in the first place.
They didn’t HAVE TO sign up to your list…or buy something from you.
They WANTED to!
And they want more of what you have to offer!
When you think about it…your fear of selling is unfounded.
You’re afraid of the VERY thing that your affiliates and customers expect to happen!
Sounds funny when I put it like that, doesn’t it?
But it’s true…
This fear of selling is completely IRRATIONAL!
Okay, Matt, so why do I feel that way?
Simply because MOST people in the middle class, when given the choice, choose CONFLICT AVOIDANCE.
At first glance, who wouldn’t? Who wants conflict in their lives?
Completely understandable.
But the question to ask is this…where is the conflict when it comes to asking your prospects and customers to buy more?
You aren’t approaching complete strangers. You’re among friends. People who have expressed an interest in you and what you have to offer.
You’re not selling solutions they don’t want. You’re trying to make their lives better by offering them additional products and services they have DEMONSTRATED an interest in.
Where’s the fear?
Here’s an important point to remember…
Adopting a fear of selling is something you CHOOSE to do.
The millionaires?
They see a totally different reality!
Here’s how they look at it…
ANY fear of selling is completely overridden by one singular thought…
To them, success boils down to…
THEIR business. THEIR family.
That’s THEIR reality…
Notice there’s NO room for fear of selling…
They don’t care what people think…
They CARE about WHO depends on them!
That’s a life-changing difference!
The way they see it is…whatever solution they are offering…if it’s worthwhile and could potentially change someone’s life, it’s their DUTY to make sure prospects know about it…
They don’t care what the prospect thinks…if it will change a life, prospects NEED to know about it!
Here’s the thought that drives them…
THIS IS MY BUSINESS…I need to act like it!
Everything depends on their ability to ensure prospects see the light…NOT BEING afraid of what other people think!
HERE’S what separates millionaires from the middle class…
They are NEVER ashamed to ask for sales and earn a commission.
So…what if you had some tools that would not only help you eliminate that fear of selling but also…
…take your current business to the next level?
…transform your lifestyle and give you the freedom you’ve dreamed of?
…allow you to serve your audience better?
You bet!
I’ve put together some resources to help you which I’ll tell you more about in a minute…
When you know how to do affiliate marketing the right way, it helps you monetize your platform from the start AND eliminates the FEAR OF SELLING…
There’s no barrier to entry, no hidden fees, no risk, and you don’t need an advanced degree or have to know all the right people.
You can start today!
You get to monetize NOW, rather than struggle as I did through years of frustration and doubt.
Starting Out CAN Be Tricky
I still remember when I first started my blog, I was on fire!
I was pumping out content. I was building a small list and I was having fun…
But that excitement quickly faded when I came to this sobering realization…
I didn’t know how to actually make money.
THAT was a huge problem!
My expenses each month were piling up and I didn’t have a clue what my tribe wanted to buy.
Most importantly I didn’t know how to sell anything online and it terrified me!
When I DID create my first product, it was a total flop. Goodbye confidence
Rather than enjoying the benefits of a profitable online business…I HAD AN EXPENSIVE ONLINE HOBBY that was taking up more than 20 hours a week and that I no longer enjoyed.
I was ready to give up!
Then, I promoted my first affiliate offer…
I made $588.00.
To me, that $588.00 was like…
That one affiliate commission paid for my expenses that month!
And everything changed!
It gave me confidence…
The question is…
When is it YOUR turn?
First, you need to figure out what’s REALLY holding you back…all the myths you’ve been exposed to about affiliate marketing…
Here are two biggies…
MYTH #1: You have to be a sales expert.
MYTH #2: It’s scammy and salesy.
Once you get past those, there’s a bunch of others waiting…
- It’s too hard
- You have to WAIT to make money online
- You need a huge email list
- You need more content
- You need more traffic
- You need your own products first
I’d been told the same lies.
But once I finally figured out they weren’t true, I was able to break free from the lies.
And, get the results I had only dreamed of…
…a consistent revenue stream
…a growing tribe that values and appreciated my recommendations
When I learned how to sell the RIGHT WAY, I was able to create the lifestyle I wanted for me and my family.
Okay, about those resources…I am going to give you access to three of our most popular affiliate marketing reports…
CLICK HERE to get all three reports
These reports take over 15 years of experience, plus lessons learned from tens of thousands of affiliates, and distills it down into easy-to-follow strategies…strategies that will help you overcome your fear of selling.
The training they contain is NOT theory.
This is ACTIONABLE advice that will work…regardless of your niche, list size or following.
You’ll learn how to sell ethically and effectively so you’ll never feel salesy or sleazy again.
Take a look at the valuable content they contain…
- How to Dramatically Boost Your Income…WITHOUT Creating Your Own Product
- The PROVEN Step-by-Step Method for Achieving Rapid Success in Affiliate Marketing
- 10 Reasons that NOW is the Time to Start Affiliate Marketing
- How To Virtually GUARANTEE Acceptance into Any Affiliate Program (Including Copy/Paste Email Templates You Can Use TODAY!)
How To Win at Affiliate Marketing
- The Two Strategies You Can Use to Earn Significant Affiliate Income Even if You Have a Small List (or no list at all!)
- The Single Page On My Blog That Makes Me $10,000+/month (and how YOU can do the same!!)
- How I Made Nearly $30,000 in Affiliate Commissions With NO Online Following (and how you can use the same strategy!)
Affiliate Marketing Sales Secrets
- The Five Secrets of Top Affiliate Marketers (that allow them to outsell all other affiliates!)
- My Personal Visualization Strategy (that will transform the way you sell.)
- Seven Ways To “Go The Extra Mile” in Your Affiliate Promos (and “wow” your audience!)
When you model the ideas you’ll find in the reports, you’ll be equipped to sell the right way.
Not only will you overcome your fear of selling, but you’ll also begin to develop the confidence you need to build the online business of your dreams.