How Sarah Williams 20X’d her Affiliate Sales and Won a $100,000 First Prize

Affiliate Marketing
In her first year promoting an affiliate offer, Sarah Williams made 9 sales. The next year, in the same promotion, she made 184…and won the $100,000 first prize. The crazy thing is…this was a last-minute promo…and she still won it! How’d she do it? Well, that’s what this episode is all about.

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Sarah’s Book, One Box at a Time

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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy

How to Get Your Affiliates Fired Up Before a Promotion

What Kind of Affiliate Manager is Best: In-House or Outsourced?

What to Look for in an Affiliate Manager

Don’t Make These Killer Mistakes with Your Affiliate Program (Part 2)

Don’t Make These Killer Mistakes with Your Affiliate Program (Part 1)

Affiliate Marketing and Podcasts: How to Make Money, Get Affiliates, and Build a Brand Through Podcasting

How Sarah Williams 20X’d her Affiliate Sales and Won a $100,000 First Prize


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