How to Promote an Affiliate Product You Haven’t Used

Affiliate Marketing

Can you promote something as an affiliate if you haven’t personally used the product? If so, HOW? How do you recommend something honestly and ethically when you haven’t even used it yourself? Well, the answer to the first question is a resounding YES! You can promote something you haven’t personally used. The answer to HOW…in this lesson, I will share WHY you should promote products you haven’t used yourself…and HOW to do so!

Links Mentioned in This Lesson:

Robby Miles


My Toolbox

Affiliate Insider Monthly

What to Promote Checklist

How to use Swipe Copy as an Affiliate

TEXT ME: 260-217-4619

Come join me on my next live lesson, Your Holiday Affiliate Program Plan – 7 Things Every Affiliate Manager Must Do This Holiday Season, Thursday, December 2 at 2:00 pm ET. More details can be found here.