How to Use a Challenge for Affiliate Marketing: How Entrepreneurs on Fire Made More than $250,000 in One Affiliate Launch

Affiliate Marketing

You may know of Entrepreneurs on Fire as the home of John Lee Dumas and his interviews with top entrepreneurs sharing the stories of their success. But did you know that there is so much more that you might not see, including some massive affiliate promotions? In this episode, I have a very special guest who is taking us behind the scenes to explore the lessons learned from EOFire’s biggest affiliate launch to date, which generated over $250,000 in revenue. From planning and preparation to execution and follow-up, we’ll dive into the strategies and tactics that made this promotion such a massive success. Whether you’re a seasoned affiliate marketer or just getting started, you’re sure to pick up some valuable insights and takeaways from EOFire’s experience.

Click Here for The Written Transcript of This Episode

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Previous Episodes of The Affiliate Guy

10 Lessons I Learned Launching a Bestselling Book

Affiliate Profile: How Holly Homer Went from $0 to $3500 in Affiliate Commissions in Her 2nd Promotion

Listener Q&A: Finding Affiliates, What’s Working in Affiliate Recruiting, Email Templates, and More

How to Create Recurring Affiliate Revenue Promoting Membership Sites

Behind-the-Scenes on Our Affiliate Promotion for Product Launch Formula

How to Promote Virtual Summits as an Affiliate (If You Aren’t a Speaker)

Fix Your Funnel: How to Increase Sales and Make Your Affiliates More Money with John Ainsworth

How to Use a Challenge for Affiliate Marketing: How Entrepreneurs on Fire Made More than $250,000 in One Affiliate Launch

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